
Monday, January 24, 2011

Community Gardens

With the Recession still raging on and Spring right around the corner (hopefully - I can't take much more of this cold and snow) Community Gardens seem to make cents (pun intended). I've been growing my own veggies in my back yard for a few years now and it certainly does help with the family budget. Also, I know where that food I'm putting on my table is coming from and what was sprayed or rather not sprayed on it. And to top it off I get that much needed exercise that the medical gurus are always talking about.

For those who don't have space in their yard or don't have a yard a Community Garden certainly is the way to go!

To find a Community Garden near you simply check this website


Happy Gardening and Healthy Eating!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Listen to Love Songs

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The Primitive Pantry Unveils their New Blog.

The Ladies over at The Primitive Pantry have recently launched their own Blog. Head on over there and take a look. And once your done don't forget to sign up for their wonderful forum.

