Well the Ladies & Dan at A Primitive Place have done it! They have just announced the unveiling of the cover of their Premier Issue of A Primitive Place Magazine!
http://therustythimble.blogspot.com/ Ends October 15, 2011
http://frontporchprimitives.blogspot.com/2011/09/front-porch-primitives-give-away-first.html?showComment=1317745215721#c5895114197600884776 Ends October 8, 20011
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
Soup and sandwich meals during the winter months are easy to put together,
can be budget stretchers and are so satisfying. This is a very easy soup to
Summer Peach Salsa Recipe
Fun fact about South Carolina. We produce more peaches than our neighbors
in Georgia – the Peach State. I’m surrounded by peaches right now. They are
at ...
I have removed all blog posts. Please follow me over on *Instagram *under
the name
See you there!
Due to stolen content, I am no lon...
Pictures of Home, Field Trips and Life Lately!
Hello and happy last day of September to you! I don't know where the month
went! Life has been busy with homeschooling, a field trip, the start of our ...
We have this awesome Early Croquet set for sale in our booth. It is a
complete set of four mallets and balls. The box is in very good condition
(not perf...
Zinc Lid Ornie Graphics
Hi y'all! Got the graphics finished for the zinc lid ornies! 😄 There are
five sets to choose from, all sets have same farm animals but different
Wow! Has It Really Been Three Years!!?
Hello Everyone!
I am sitting here in disbelief that it has been over three years since my
last post. It honestly doesn't feel like that long.
So much...
A Year in the Making...and It's Finally Finished!
I went back in my posts to see just exactly when I began on this quilt and
it was August of 2016. Sadly, it has taken me a full year to finish it. I
Bead board and Barn Lights
Today I thought I would share a sneak peek of the progress so far in our
laundry room. We are doing it in sections...everything takes a bit of ...
New Year, New Goals
It's January - Happy New Year and all that resolution stuff - though I
think I'll do better with setting some goals rather than making resolutions
I know I...
Does Anyone Remember?
Here it has been over 3 years since I have printed words on this blog.
Where has the time gone?
So many things have changed since my last entry.
I now have ...
My Daddy had a caddy....
My Daddy had a caddy for each of his daughters, to
remember the year they born or just the love of the car alone, either way,
his pas...
Life Is Better At
I love this series of life is better at signs that I just completed. I
think there is something for everyone.
Whether you're at the cabin....
Or at the La...
Back in the saddle again
Finally getting back to painting. I dusted off the paints and paint
brushes. And I am trying to dust off my painting skills. I think I have a
lot of...
Bowling in Slovenia
Want to spend an active night? Then we recommend you visit the bowling.
Bowling is the perfect game for fun. It is suitable for entertainment or
for celebr...
It's been a long long time!
Almost three years have passed since I have last blogged and A LOT has
happened since then. I am hoping that I can renew my blog and start fresh
blogging ...
Good Food = Good Health
*I originally posted this on my other blog, http://spiralway.blogspot.com *
*Thought those of you who follow me here might enjoy the article. Sorry it
Well Hello All, its been so crazy around here and that's why I had to take
a break from blogging! I had birthday parties and vacation with hubby and
My Hubby Has An Addiction!!
. . . . . .to candles that is!!
Whenever we go to a prim shop, he's always heading over to the candle
section and picking them up to smell. (Yes, ladies, ...
My Rustic Valentine
Enjoy this collection of rustic Valentine's Day treats from the talented
artisans of the Where Rustics Reign Team on Etsy.
Deb Riddell ~ Paxton Valley Fol...
Redecorated Kitchen Cupboards
Happy summer everyone! I know that summer is my favorite time of year
because it means that our days are long and there is a lot of sunlight and
I honestl...
Taking Time to Enjoy The Day!
Yes, I have been MIA for a while. I've just been so busy with so many
things. I know a few followers, namely family members, will enjoy not
looking at the...
Moved to Better Pastures
Due to the continual appalling behavior of blogger, I've now moved to my
own WordPress blog. I exported my posts from this blog and three others
over to Sc...
Moved to WP
Due to the continual appalling behavior of blogger, I've now moved to my
own WordPress blog. I exported my posts from this blog and three others
over to ...
2011 St. Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshall Dinner
*Honoring Drs. Joe and Rose Mattioli*
The impact of Drs. Joe and Rose Mattioli’s Pocono Raceway has gone far
beyond the world of auto racing to become an e...
A Nice Surprise
Back in September we began carrying Antiques and Vintage because we thought
would be a nice addition to the quality reproductions we offer.
We mentioned...
Green--a thing of beauty
The Giant Pepper
This was a huge King of the North pepper I harvested a few years back. My
mom put it in a teacup to show just how big it really was. Thi...
Good Morning Everyone!!
It's* finally* September! It's a time for Apple Cinnamon scented home
sprays (I picked up one from Glade for .99cents), it's time t...
Hello, it's me!
Happy Sunday to ya!
I've been horrible with blogging lately. With the new kitty and work and
stuff goin' on... I just haven't had the time. Or, MADE the t...
COPYRIGHT 2009 The Frugal Country Cottage. All rights reserved. Please do not use any photos or content from this site without my permission. Thank you
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