Well, today was a big day for the little guy. He had his very first "professional grooming". PetSmart has a "Puppy Package for only $15.99! The groomer told me he was a "very good boy" and kept constantly giving her kisses! I wasn't sure how he would take things but I'm really glad he did well since he will be getting a lot of baths in the future.
We plan on putting him in his very first Show in a couple of months. I figure it will be fun for the both of us and I'll be able to meet a lot of people while on the Dog Show Track. Next week we start with "puppy training". Who knows maybe one day they will announce "Danny Boy" as the winner of the Westminster Dog Show? We'll keep our fingers crossed for him.
Well, it was a looooong day for the little guy so till we meet again.....Good night!