Animals in Distress is a non-profit, tax deductible sanctuary for animals who have little or no hope elsewhere. Its programs are designed to prevent suffering and to save lives. They keep every animal admitted, providing medical care, behavioral rehabilitation, good food, shelter, and, most important of all, love, until a suitable new home can be found. No animal is killed because it is unwanted, too old, or injured.
The shelter receives no tax or public monies and relies totally on donations and fund raisers for its total operating budget. All the donations it receives are used for animal care expenses, and no one is paid for administrative, fund raising, and other non-animal care duties since they are performed by a dedicated group of unpaid volunteers. These volunteers work hard at events all year round to raise money for the shelter. They have a yearly Radiothon, pet photos at Easter and Christmas, a Walkathon, special setups at malls and festivals, raffles, bake sales, pet gift platters, craft and gift bazaars, and the sale of various items --- which are some of the ways that the shelter raises funds. Its monthly newsletter is its other main fund raising and public relations vehicle.
Take a peek at some of the lovable pets that they have available for adoption. And if your interested you can call them (610-966-9383) to set up an appointment to meet that special "fur kid" in person!
What a wonderful thing it is to bring a loving pet into your home from a shelter. All my "fur kids" are adopted/rescued and the amount of love I get from all of them is just simply amazing!
A Shelter Dog's Poem
Author Unknown
Once upon a time, you see, there was this little pup;
for reasons unbeknownst to me, his family gave him up
Maybe it was chewing everything that he could find,
maybe they were busy and just didn't have the time
They took him to the shelter and they just left him there
Outside, alone, in the cage...shivering and scared
Even though they knew inside, if he went through those doors,
he may never have the chance to find a home like yours
He sat there crying silently wondering what he did
that was so bad that they just had to leave him as they did
However fate was smiling on that little pup that day,
because a lady saw him and she whisked him right away
He got a second chance at life that others may have not
and now he's in a loving home with everything he wants
Everyday he gets that love that he was looking for
And silently is thankful for when she walked through that door.
Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Soup
Soup and sandwich meals during the winter months are easy to put together,
can be budget stretchers and are so satisfying. This is a very easy soup to
1 day ago
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