I absolutey LOVE Yo Yo Quilts, but they can be EXPENSIVE! I saw a small doiley one today in a shop but they wanted $30 for it. So, I decided to see if I could find out how to make my own.
I came across this very easy tutorial courtesy of About.com. Looks like I have a new project to work on.
First decide how large you want your yo yos to be and make a circular template twice that size plus about 1/2". A plastic or cardboard template works just fine--or use a round jar lid if you can find one close to the right size.
1. Place the circle template on the right side of your fabric and trace around it lightly with a pencil or chalk marker. Leave about 1/2" between circles.
2. Cut out circles about 1/4" past the line.
3. Thread a hand sewing needle with quilting thread. If you use regular thread, sew with two strands.
4. Knot the end of the thread and bring it up from the reverse side while folding under the circle on the line. The needle and thread should pass through both layers to create a seam allowance.
5. Continue sewing around the circle, folding under the seam allowance as you go.
6. When you reach the starting point, tug on the thread to gather the circle into a rosette. Leave a hole in the middle of the yo yo.
7. Distribute the gathers and secure the thread with a few backstitches, then make a knot for extra security.
8. Trim excess thread, re-knot and make another yo yo.
You might find that you don't need the marked line to turn the circles under for sewing. If you can do it without--great, it will save time. And if you don't need the lines, try rotary cutting the circles--but be sure to use a special rotary template to help keep your fingers away from the blade.
Joining the yo yos.
1. Arrange the yo yos into rows and experiment with the layout until you find one you like.
2. Align two yo yos, gathered sides together. Take several whipstitches along one side, backstitching at the beginning and end of the seam to help secure it. Make a knot if you'd like.
3. Repeat, adding more yo yos to finish the row. Attach rows together in the same way.
Yo yos can be sewn to a large piece of fabric, then sandwiched with batting and bound around the edges. Either quilt or tie the piece. You can also use the yo yos for dimensional applique. Apply yo yos to fabric with a blind stitch
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