
Monday, June 6, 2011

Garden Update

Well, I apologize that I haven't been writing lately but I've been busy getting the garden together and job hunting at the same time. Here's some pictures of the garden and how it's been progressing. Here are the Trelisses that I recently added to the garden. They will provide some much needed privacy as soon as I can get the Morning Glories I planted to cooperate.

I also have the Square Foot raised beds coming along very nicely.

I redid the area where the Bird Feeders are and put in a little bird bath and some Purple Conehead Flowers, Sedum, Bleeding Hearts and some other plants.

And I added a little footbridge over the area that tends to pool and gets all muddy and yucky....little Ms. Bonnie wasn't too happy about having to get her paws all yucky while trying to get out the grass in the back yard, and quite frankly neigther was I.

And of course all of this work was done under the careful observation of "the supervisor" while he sunbathed from a nice comfy chair...