Just got my three 6 foot high by 4 foot wide Trellises up and finished, which will also provide some MUCH needed privacy while we are on the Patio! I planted some Morning Glory along the base of each Trellis and will train them up each Trellis.

I also got 3 Raised Beds in which I will be using to do my Square Foot Gardening this year. This morning I filled all the boxes with soil, manure and good old fashioned compost! Then it was time to get my onion sets, potatoes, carrots, radish, beets, broccoli and sprouts in. I won't be planting the rest of my veggies till after Mother's Day as it is still a bit chilly here in NEPA, but my root plants should be OK as they will still have the warmth from the ground and soil to protect them.
Now all I need is some good 'ol sunshine and a little water now and again and I'll have the freshest veggies one can find!